If you are employed in a reputed organization, then it is very easy for you to ask for assistance for your detox treatments. A lot of people who are addicted to drugs are reaching out to their companies to support them through their recovery journey. The companies on their part are providing insurance cover to their employees so that they can join a good drug detox center and get well soon. There are a lot more ways they are helpful too.
Employee Assistance Program is an Easy Way to Support
The employee assistance programs are in place to help the companies’ valued members to navigate through their personal problems with ease. One such problem is drug addiction. You might ask why the company needs to help the employees with their personal problems, but you must remember that work pressure is one of the primary reasons why people reach out for drugs in the first place. Hence, the onus falls on the companies to assist their employees to come out of their dependence on drugs. The employee assistance program can help in this regard.
Implementation of FMLA is Important
The next thing a company can do is provide leaves, specifically Family and Medical Leave to its employees. The FMLA acts in that regard and it is very useful for a person to take leave from the company for a few days and join a drug addiction detox before joining the company again. The organizations can take a step further and provide paid leaves too, and this in turn will keep the employee loyal to the company for years to come. If you are planning to get a detox, check up with your company and see if you are eligible for the insurance cover and the number of days you can take up on FMLA. This will give you a fair idea as to how you can proceed with your detox treatment.
Benefits to Companies in Being a Supporter
The organizations must remember that assisting employees during their times of hardships is necessary, for it is these employees who contribute towards their overall growth. Furthermore, employees who are supported by their organizations tend to value their connection with the company. A study showed that employees who feel valued by their company have shown increased productivity and output in their work. The company’s need for experienced personnel all year round combined with the employee loyalty through medical assistance is beneficial for the organization as a whole.
Better Morale and Lower Attrition in the Workforce
Also, this kind of support and assistance for the employees tends to boost the morale within the organization. The workers feel valued and they no longer fear about their future. All things considered, it is up to you now, to reach out to both your company and the Drug Detox Austin Tx center and quit your drug habits. With a good detox you will be back in your form in no time at all. So, check if your company provides support for rehab.