Home Access Center (HAC) is a parent portal where you can access academic data about students and other parent resources. Eldean ISD has created an online Parental Portal to make it easier for parents to view their children’s academic records. Simply create an account with HAC Humble, answer the challenge questions, and you will receive an email with instructions to complete your registration. Your login details for the Home Access Center by Aldeen, where you can access student data, will be included in the email.
What are the substitutes for HAC Aldine?
Everything else you can do with that Home Access Center account in Aldean ISD is covered in this section.
1. Home Admission Center:
When you visit the Hac Aldine website you can view students’ grades, courses, classwork, attendance, report cards, transcripts and more.
When you arrive at the HAC Aldeen page, the Home Access Center menu is the first thing you see. You will see tabs like Home, Attendance, Classes (Classwork and Timetable), Grades, Registration and User Options.
2. View the Attendance Month page:
You can view your child’s monthly attendance on the Month View page. If you have any reason to believe that they have not attended school regularly.
The top positions >> and arrows can also change between months.
3. Calendar Page:
A monthly overview of class assignments, class events, and activity events can be found on the Calendar page in the Aldean Home Access Center.
You can view the Calendar page by selecting the Home > Calendar tab.
4. Classwork Page:
All student assignments and grades from teachers and instructors are available on the Classwork page. Select Classes from the Home Access Center menu to display the Classwork page.
You can view assignments in a number of ways. You can browse them by class or qualification, displaying assignments by qualification groups.
5. Demographics page:
Basic and personal information of the student can be seen on the demographic page. For example name, date of birth, gender, native language, grade and teacher. You can also change this information by selecting the Edit option and clicking Save.
The Demographics page will not appear until you select the Registration tab from the Home Access Center menu.
The HAC Aldeen page is a valuable tool for parents and teachers to view at any time. It is also convenient for parents to receive notifications when their child is progressing in the class.